Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Toddler Time Opening Session

I had my first week of a four-week series of story times for kids 2-3½. I’d originally planned a snow theme for the first week, but forgot to download the songs I wanted to use. So today I skipped right to week for and bath time. (Activities outlined below.) I am a firm believer in starting on time, regardless of how many people I know will show up late. It’s a respect and responsibility thing. Yes, there are parking issues, but there are always parking issues. If you’re late you’re late, you can still join us. The program started with about five kids, and I had five more straggle in through the half hour.

Opening Song: Let’s All Clap . . .
Song: “Shake your Sillies Out” by Raffi
Rhyme: Jump, Jump, Jump
Flannel: Dogs Colorful Day by Emma Dodd
Book: Bubbles, Bubbles by Kathi Appelt
Song: “This is the way we wash our face”
Book: Bath Time by Eileen Spinelli
Song and bubbles: “Bathtime” by Raffi
Action: Wave your nose . . .

This is not the exact order as I mixed the middle up a bit and added blowing bubbles in between several things. At the end I turned on a song and let kids dance and share some dog puppets I brought in.

This was not the best program I’ve ever done, but neither was it the worst. Though at my old library it was typical for toddler programs to run 20-30 minutes, here I worry that the parents feel shortchanged by that length. Never mind, the kids usually don’t want much more. I try to avoid meltdown. Today, however, it seemed like they could have handled more. Do you have any suggestions for activities that can be done on the spur of the moment with toddlers?

What are your thoughts on programming for toddlers?

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