But my desk isn't what makes all the little kids wander into our office. We tend to leave the door open due to temperature inequities and at least once a day little feet come pattering into the room, making a bee line for the wall of puppets. If a three year old thinks our office is a fun place to be, how could we possibly not?

I just stumbled into your blog...and thought I would say hello. My father was a children's librarian - and he just loved finding THAT book that would spark a child into a love of reading. We are a family of readers so my girls just seem to come by it naturally. I am a big fan of Lois Lowry...so I'll have to check for her latest.
Kat, I love that feeling of matching the right book to the right child. Since posting my blurb on The Willoughbys I've heard mixed reviews, but I stand by my comments.
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