Author Libba Bray writes in reaction to a challenged book. It seems a year can't go by without a particular book challenge or two being more or less widely talked about. This particular book, The Bermudez Triangle by Maureen Johnson, was the first ARC I ever read and made me a fan of hers for life.
With every challenge come a slate of articles about intellectual freedom, but Libba Bray's recent blog post resonated with me particularly. (Maybe it was the mention of Veronica Mars
I enjoy creating displays of banned books, because it offers such a wonderful opportunity for education. I could not possibly tell you the number of times I've heard, "I didn't know this was banned" or "What could be wrong with this book?" from patrons and coworkers. I sometimes find myself wondering why we must keep going on about it. But then those comments remind me that any one incident or display will be the first encounter some people have with issues of censorship. And so, as September (and Banned Books Week) nears, I am trying to imagine a new way to celebrate our freedom.
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